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First Season Episodes - The Space Croppers (episode 25)

Smith almost marries into an alien family whose space crop threatens to devour all life on Priplanus.

While planting a time capsule, Dr. Smith, Will and Penny are surprised by a werewolf. The Robot blasts it, but suddenly a shrill whistle beckons the wolf away. The next day, Will cajoles Smith into tracking the creature. What they encounter, however, is an alien space cropper, Keel, who takes them to his spaceship. Keel's younger sister, Effra, inspects the two Earthlings until her mother Sybilla orders Smith and Will to stay off her property.

The next day, at the Jupiter 2, Don tries to keep Keel from rifling the hydroponic garden. Keel becomes hostile, but Effra appears and calls her brother off. She is quite taken with Don, and Judy makes no secret of her disapproval. Unlike the others, Smith is overly solicitous to her in the hope of inducing the space croppers to take him back to Earth. That night, John, Don, Maureen and Smith investigate the space croppers' ritualistic planting.

The next day, Smith, accompanied by Will, ventures to the space croppers' ship to woo Sybilla. Sybilla by now is responding to his prolonged flattery. Angry with her mother for softening on Smith, Effra tries to vamp Don, but he rebuffs her. She then tries to persuade Will to get a lock of Don's hair, out of which she claims she will make a gift but with which she really plans witchcraft. 

Smith announces his intention to marry Sybilla and has moved in with her. Will, meanwhile, has fallen into the carnivorous grasp of the now gigantic crop. Effra appears and orders Keel, as the werewolf, to cut him free. Will then dashes off to save Smith. Will reports that the vegetation threatens to engulf all living things on the planet. Don, John, Will and Maureen rush out with gas guns to kill the crop's roots. While preparing for take-off, meanwhile, Sybilla has tipped her hand to Smith. She does not plan to go to Earth and her plants will soon 
consume everything that lives on Priplanus. Horrified, Smith escapes. 

The next day, while picking berries, Smith and Penny are surprised by a bedraggled alien fugitive from galactic justice.


Professor John RobinsonGuy Williams
Maureen RobinsonJune Lockhart
Major Don WestMark Goddard
Judy RobinsonMarta Kristen
Penny RobinsonAngela Cartwright
Will RobinsonBilly Mumy
Dr. Zachary SmithJonathan Harris
RobotBob May
Voice of the RobotDick Tufeld
Executive ProducerIrwin Allen
DirectorSobey Martin
WriterPeter Packer
Guest Cast
SybillaMercedes McCambridge
EffraSherry Jackson
KeelDawson Palmer
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