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A Special Introduction from Angela Cartwright

Who would have thought that 'Penny Robinson' would have touched so many people? Certainly not me that first day of work in 1964 as I stepped into that cardboard spacesuit and climbed aboard the spaceship that would be called home for the next three years.

There are so many funny, endearing and wonderful memories of those years on "Lost In Space." Not only did it spark my imagination with outer space but also 'Penny' was such a fun character to play. How I loved battling the perils of the universe, knowing every week I'd survive to face another one. Maybe as a princess, maybe as a space traveler with a pet Bloop or perhaps dancing with aliens or just trying to communicate with them. It is great those episodes with the Robinson family have lived in the hearts of so many. And now there is a new generation of "Lost In Space" enthusiasts. What could be better then that?

When a long running television show ends you often lose contact with those fellow cast members that you have worked with. Hollywood is a big town and you never mean to, but years can pass before you touch base with those people again. This was not so with the gang from LIS. We have always stayed in touch. As busy as our lives have become, there is always a lunch or a call or better yet a get together. It is at these times that the memories flow and we realize what a time we had. 'Lost In Space' has a warm spot in my heart and always will.

Thanks to Ray for creating this website for you all to enjoy. He's always been a great support to us all. After you've investigated this website, come visit me at mine: and

Angela Cartwright
Studio City, California
May 2000

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