Apply Textures/metal_misc ametal_m03 to the
whole brush. Ordinarily you would
caulk the faces that won't be visible, but
for the moment we won't, because we can
create a prefab ladder which might be used
in any free-standing context. Once the
prefab is created, you would import it as
needed and then caulk the unseen faces that
suit where you've positioned it.
Set the brush to Make Detail.
Top down view again, select and duplicate
the ladder leg, and position it as shown and
press ESC. (You may want to hide the
sky if you keep selecting it by accident).

Draw the brush between them (and caulk
it) that will serve as the ladder rungs.

Side view and position the rungs brush
properly between the ladder legs.

Make the brush Detail.
Now select the rungs face that the
would-be climber would go up and apply
Textures/alpha ladder texture. Press S
and enter 1 in the width box and 3 in the
height and click Fit. Then
click Done and press ESC. We use a
texture that looks like ladder rungs instead
of individual ladder rung brushes because:
- It's quicker for us to make
- It's quicker for ET to draw: one face
instead of many faces on many brushes
If you want fancy rungs and you know
there is no pressure on the FPS and you can
be bothered, you can of course make
individual rungs, bricks, whatever, to
indicate a climbable structure to the
players. Make sure you make them
Detail !
